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Volunteer with the JCC!

Volunteers have been the lifeblood of the JCC since its inception nearly 20 years ago.

Please click the link below for a list of specific opportunities to volunteer here at the Jacksonville Community Center.

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JCC now has a part-time Director, and a part-time Rental and Marketing Coordinator, but volunteers continue to be the heart and inspiration of the Community Center. We are in need of helpful volunteers in the following areas:

Finance and Budget:

Do you have a background in finance or experience with budgets? JCC is looking for persons to join our existing Finance and Budget Committee.

Fund Raising:

Have you written grant proposals, direct mail appeals or don’t mind asking people for money for a good cause? JCC is looking to reestablish its Funding Committee and could use a few experienced people.


Are you an attorney in Oregon who is willing to provide pro-bono help to a deserving nonprofit here in the valley? JCC may require the use of an attorney perhaps 2-4 times a year to review a contract or other document or to provide legal advice on important operating procedures. The attorney would work directly with the JCC Director or the President.

Facilities and Ground Maintenance:

Are you interested in pulling a few weeds or trimming some plants? Do you have landscaping experience or know something about maintaining a facility? JCC could use your help in maintaining our grounds and helping with the non-janitorial upkeep of our Community Center.


Do you have experience in developing and implementing programs for people young or old and everyone in between? Do you have ideas for programs that JCC should offer the community? The mission of the Jacksonville Community Center is to provide programs and activities for the community. If you have the experience and want to help JCC achieve its mission, join our Program Committee.


Do you have experience with social media or websites? Can you write a good news article or human interest piece or design a flyer? Do you have skills taking and editing photos? Can you help develop a marketing plan? JCC needs persons with marketing and publicity experience to promote Community Center activities and market JCC to potential renters.

Welcome and Hospitality:

Do you enjoy meeting and talking with people? JCC needs people who are interested in volunteering to staff our office or meet and greet people who are interested in renting the Community Center. We also need people who can help occasionally to open or close the Center for a large event.

Volunteers have been the lifeblood of the Jacksonville Community Center (JCC) since its inception nearly 20 years ago.


  • Incorporated JCC and obtained its tax-exempt status
  • Raised over $750,000 to build and equip the Community Center
  • Worked on the demolition to prepare for construction
  • Remodeled the cottage
  • Designed and installed the Center’s landscaping and walkways
  • Marketed and booked our earliest rentals.
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