The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide association of nonprofit Rotary clubs, is to provide service to others, promote high ethical standards, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
The Jacksonville-Applegate Rotary Club may not be the largest of the 12 Rogue Valley Rotary clubs, but we are mighty, spirited and have a reputation for getting things done. We stand behind Rotary International’s mission of support for local, regional and international service projects.
*Our history dates to September 8, 1988, when several members of the very active Central Point Rotary Club proposed a new club for the Jacksonville-Applegate area. The new club had 12 founding members, including Jim Lewis, Tom Pickering, Ace Carter and Jerry Hayes. Happily, Jerry is still an active member in the club. Charter night was on March 4th, 1989.
From the beginning, the Jacksonville-Apple Rotary Club has concentrated on local, as well as regional and international projects. For early education, we partnered with Providence Medical Center, Rogue Valley Medical Center and Ashland hospital to provide a reading program for all mothers of newborn babies. Another initiative gave dictionaries to all 3rd graders in our local schools. The recipients then wrote letters using a word they had learned from the dictionary, and reading those letters was a great highlight in our meetings. Today, we are supporting the Dolly Parton reading program that provides children ages 0-5 with a free book each month. If you have a child in this age group, and wish to sign them up, simply go to https://www.imaginationlibrary.com.
We also give recognition scholarships to students from Jacksonville Elementary, Ruch, Griffin Creek, McLaughlin and South Medford High schools who have been recommended to us by their teachers. It’s inspirational to see how much these teachers care and guide their students. We also offer a 4-year major college scholarship with emphasis on community service as well as leadership and scholastic achievement.
The J-A Rotary Club’s local activities include Victorian Christmas participation, Hanley Farm restorations, Beekman House fence painting, Pheasant Meadows Park development, Cantrell Buckley Park restoration, Doc Griffin Park development, Britt Gardens spring clean-up, and Jacksonville Cemetery’s Adopt-A-Block initiative.
As part of Rotary International, we have a mission to support clean water projects and we continue to sponsor and support activities in Tanzania, Mexico and Guatemala with our donations and on-site participation. Globally, we have been supporting Rotary International’s polio eradication efforts since our founding. Other timely projects we support include Rotary’s partnership with Shelterbox – the international disaster relief charity.
As if all of that was not enough, we celebrate fun and fellowship in our meetings and with our projects, so if you think you would like to be a part of this community-focused group, please contact Jill Thompkins at 541-944-9499. We meet every Thursday morning at 7 a.m. at the Bella Union Restaurant in Jacksonville, and guests are always welcome!
*Special thanks to Carl Nelson, long-term member and archivist
Rogue Valley Voices
In 2023 we highlight local organizations whose projects contribute so much to the betterment of our community, our valley and the larger world. By showcasing them we support their work, and encourage others to join their efforts for the greater good.