Native Americans’ History in North America and the Rogue Valley
In 1824, in order to administer the U.S. government’s Native American policies, Congress made a new bureau inside the War Department called the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which worked closely with the U.S. Army to enforce their policies.

As people with a shared genetic heritage, Native American tribes comprise a diverse and incredibly colorful array of cultures. Well-known American Indian cultural symbols include the totem pole, peace pipe, teepee, and moccasins. Tribes like the Apache, Blackfoot, Sioux, and Cherokee have profoundly changed the culture of the United States, and scholars have written extensively on the impact that these tribes have had upon the public.
For more information, see https://americanindiancoc.org/native-american-tribes-the-indian-history-in-medford-oregon/

On the local level, Native Americans’ advocacy groups strive to assist and encourage Native Peoples in the Rogue Valley by sponsoring events, providing access to resources, and publishing Native-People centric material to give a voice to cultural achievements and concerns. One such group is the Native American Cultural Association of Oregon, whose mission is to help people achieve their goals by providing unclaimed Resources.
NACAO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, whose mission is to assist the Native American and veteran communities of Oregon. This nonprofit helps people access unrealized benefits and cultural resources. NACAO encourages collaboration among the native and veterans’ community groups to work together. NACAO also collaborates with other groups on resource networking and building a database covering services for veterans and Native Americans in Oregon.
NACAO has many programs, such as the color guard, video production, native cultural resources, the Native Hoop magazine, native and veteran referral, and the Flutestock gathering in Elkton, Oregon, an annual event that draws flute players from across the nation.

The color guard provides flags at funerals, memorials, native events, veterans events, parades, public and private events. Video production helps with video recording of native and veteran events in Oregon. This program may also assist in documenting additional types of events for community groups around the state. Many of the events are made available for viewing on public broadcasting.
Native Cultural Resources is a program that assists the native and non-native community, helping all walks of life access the culture of the Native American people in Oregon and providing access to cultural information. It also will help find and use people to help teach many aspects of the native culture. In 2022, NACAO sponsored two native cultural education encampments with the state parks service, a veterans’ campout with the band of brothers in LaPine and was also involved in several veterans’ and native events throughout Oregon.
The Native Hoop Magazine is dedicated to promoting Native People in a positive manner, giving a place for Native People to have a voice.
The Native and Veteran referral program helps refer individuals to other native programs and tribes in Oregon. NACAO also works with many groups in the state gathering resources to assist individuals and other groups.
For more information, see: www.nacaor.org
Compiled with permission by Sherry Neuman, Volunteer
Jacksonville Community Center